Saturday, August 24, 2013

Busy Week!!!!

Hello there!!! Well I am about 24 1/2 weeks currently. Crazy I know!! The baby is about 12 inches long and about 1.5 pounds. It's hard to believe that this little peanut is about the size that Savannah was when she was born.  Nothing really new other then he kicks and wiggles like crazy in there!!! I've been feeling pretty good!! Here is my belly shot:

He's getting big!!!
I've been a busy bee with three orders that I recently sent out!!! The first set went to a 2lb 3oz baby boy. He was only 1lb 4oz when he was born so he has already come a long way!! Here is his special gift:
And BREAKING NEWS for Sweet Savannah Knits is I ordered and received more/new teddy bears to send along with the knits!!! Haha, its really not breaking news but I was still excited over them. I just received them the other day.  The teddy bears are just an extra little touch to brighten up the babies NICU rooms. Thank you for all the donations recently that allowed me to purchase 20 bears!!!!
Cute little guy huh??
The second set I sent out last week was for a very very special baby girl. This baby is not even born yet but she was recently diagnosed with Triploidy. Her story has really touched my heart because she has the same disorder that Savannah had. Her mommy is about 27 or 28 weeks pregnant and wanted something special to dress her in. She's currently 14oz.  I feel blessed that they found my website and that I can help in any way I can. My heart breaks for them as Triploidy is a devastating diagnosis but this baby girl is a fighter, just like our sweet Savannah...
The third set that was sent out this week was for a little boy weighing about 3lbs 7oz!!! I hope they love it!
Along with knitting for all the beautiful NICU babies I've also added a couple projects of my own to my list. My most recent one is BURP CLOTHS!!! I found a sewing pattern online and I haven't been able to stop making them since. I just used cloth diapers I bought from Target and then sew a cute fabric to the middle of it. I keep finding cute fabrics so I'm having a hard time stopping haha!! Here they are:
With the baby coming in about 15ish weeks, I decided it was time to start focusing on the nursery design!!!! I picked out this great bedding from New Arrivals, Inc. We have yet to purchase the set we like but I did order the swatches so we could paint. I just adore the colors!!! As some of you know most of my house is tan and blue so it's no surprise I picked aqua and tan for the nursery haha!! Scottie boy painted today actually!!! Thanks Scott!!  Here is a picture of the swatches and the bedding from New Arrivals, Inc's website.   We are doing the same tan and white striped wall for the crib wall and the other three walls are the aqua color. I'll be sure to post pictures when it's done! I can't wait!!!
I just adore stuffed animals so I thought it would be cute to collect as many as I can before the baby is born to add to the nursery.  I then thought, hmm... I'm going to need something to put them all in so I decided on a huge wicker basket! Here is what I found from World Market. I love it!! Oh, and the tan and white striped blanket is the one I had been working on for awhile. I finally finished it!!!
And that's as far as we have gotten on the nursery design. I can't wait to see it all together!!! Whatcha think???
For awhile now I've been trying to think of other items I could get to send along with my knits to help bring comfort to the babies and parents. I've come up with teddy bears and baby books. Does anyone else have any other good ideas? I'm always open to other suggestions on how Sweet Savannah Knits can help!!!
Until next time....

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