Saturday, March 2, 2013

Savannah's Angelversary

March 2nd will always be a sad day for us.  This is the day that we had to say goodbye to our baby girl.  I'll never forget the phone call early in the morning, exactly a year ago today. It was the NICU doctor telling us that Savannah did not have a good night, that she was on the highest level of life support and that we should come down to see her right away.  This is the day that Savannah went to Heaven.  While March 2nd is a sad and hard day it is also a day I like to remember. This is because this is the day that we were finally able to hold her. The feeling of holding Savannah was unexplainable and I will forever hold this feeling in my heart. I was flooded with so much love.  I thank God everyday that Scott and I were given the chance to hold our sweet girl while she was still alive.  Thank you Savannah for fighting so hard so we could have all those special moments with you. We love you so much.

Happy Angelversary Sweet Savannah Rae. Mommy and Daddy love and miss you so much...

 This week was busy for Sweet Savannah Knits! I got 3 orders mailed out and still have a few outstanding orders. I'll get the rest out sometime next week. On average I've been able to complete and mail out about 1 a day. This week I sent out 2 bear hat sets and one bunny hat set.  Here is a cute set for a baby boy just born on Wednesday weighing in at 1lb 12oz.  This teddy bear hat is so cute! It's the first one I've made with stripes! Thank you Ashley for ordering the set for your friend! 

It's amazing how much knitting and starting Sweet Savannah Knits has helped me to heal. It has given me something to focus on and has shown me how great it feels to GIVE. While Savannah's short life has many purposes I do feel like this is one of them. Thank you Savannah for showing me how to be a more GIVING person!!
I decided to keep a count of how many hat/bootie sets have gone out on my Donate page on my website. I was shocked to see that the number is 17! Holy Cow!  This would not be possible with out all the generous donations from you all. I received a few donations this week and I THANK YOU all so MUCH!! You are all incredible!

1 comment:

  1. Our children do teach us! You and Scott sound like wonderful people! My blog is
